The New York Clearinghouse on Domestic Violence and Disaster contains:
-Model policies and procedures for disaster preparedness and response;
-Statewide protocols for forwarding hotlines to either the National Domestic Violence Hotline and/or the New York State Domestic Violence Hotline;
-Best practices, recommendations and guidelines for both domestic violence programs and disaster responders;
-Additional disaster related materials from state and federal partners and allies;
-Materials and resources to be utilized in trainings for both domestic violence advocates and disaster responders, including digital resources such as video clips as well as webinars;
-Research and articles describing the nexus between disaster and domestic violence;
-Brochures, flyers and posters that provide important phone numbers, emergency response partners, etc. that could be posted at domestic violence programs;
- Resource list of New York State emergency response agencies;
-New York State Domestic Violence Animal Shelter Database; and
- Additional materials as identified.